Elm Hollow Form

Hollow from from an Elm crotch. About 10″ diameter and 6″ high.

Turned side-grain – that is, like a bowl, where the mouth of the form is pointing at the tree’s center (pith) and the foot pointing towards the bark.

Bark inclusion bridged with a single Wenge pewa.

Interior painted flat black to enhance the negative space of the interior. Exterior finished with walnut oil to highlight the figure and grain.

Aspen Sliced Hollow Form

Aspen Hollow Form, turned around the pith and sliced. Slices re-assembled with Walnut pewa. About 7″ tall, 5″ diameter. Finished with lacquer and buffed.

Off-Axis Sliced Hollow Form

Round (spherical) Ash hollow form, turned on 2 axes and sliced thru a third. Re-assembled the two halves with Wenge pewa. About 6″ diameter. Finished with lacquer and buffed.

Sliced Ash Hollow Form

Ash hollow form, sliced and reassembled with Maple pewa. About 8″ diameter, 6-3/4″ high. Finished with walnut oil.

American Woodturner, February 2024, p6