This was fun and challenging to make.
It’s 11″ tall and about 3″ diameter.
Box is Big Leaf Maple Burl, and the legs, rings, and finials are dyed maple.
Finish is lacquer.
This piece was selected for inclusion in the 2024 AAW Member Exhibition, “Common Roots”.
What is it? Box, 11″ tall, about 3″ dia, Big Leaf Maple Burl, dyed maple legs, rings, and finials , lacquer finish
Hollow Form of Spalted and Wormy Maple. About 5″ diameter and 5-3/4″ tall.
Finish is Osmo Polyx oil.
Hollow Form, about 11.75″ tall, 7″ diameter. From a crotch of Maple. Lacquer finish. Maple pewa secure a bark inclusion and a crack.
Goblet of Big Leaf Maple burl (with dyed maple stem). About 4-1/4″ tall, bowl is about 2-1/4″ diameter. Spray lacquer finish.
Goblet with the natural burl surface on the outside of the goblet bowl, and top side of the base.
Big Leaf Maple burl with dyed maple stem. About 6-1/4″ tall. The bowl is about 3-1/4″ diameter. Finished with spray lacquer.
This piece was selected by the American Association of Woodturners Forum as Turning of the Week for June 6, 2022.
This piece is about 7″ diameter and 3-1/2″ tall. Lots of worm holes around one side, which I have cleaned out of all the “bug dirt”.
Maple Hollow Form, about 5″ diameter and 6″ tall. Sliced and re-assembled with walnut strips. Lacquer finish.
Three Maple hollow forms. These are 10-1/2″, 5″ and 1-7/8″ tall. The larger one is 7″ diameter.
A natural-edged goblet, from a Big Leaf Maple burl. It is about 5″ tall and the bowl is about 2-1/2″ diameter. Looks like the burl may have a bit of spalting. The top of the base is uncut burl cap.
This natural-top hollow form is Big Leaf Maple. It is about 6″ diameter and 2″ tall.
It was made form a core removed from the center of this bowl .
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Wood Turning by Dave Landers